A Dietitian’s Plowman Lunch

Traditional Plowman’s lunches are with bread, cheeses, meats, butter and pickles!

But when a dietitian does it, it has to be green!

I’m proud of this spread I put together today for some of my co-workers who have been doing a great job for me.

Heres the trick

1/2 the plate of veggies, make a rainbow

1/4 of the plate, starches like French bread, whole grain crackers, rice cakes

1/4 of the plate Proteins and fats like hummus, yogurt dip, pumpkin dip, cheese

Dress the whole plate up with fun things that have color like basil, pomegranate seeds, mint, rasberries etc

This makes a great holiday appetizer plate that encourages you to snack healthy, not heavy