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All Recipes, Fall Into Flavor

Spicy Mayo Dressing

For salads that have more of an asian flair! Such as avocado chicken cucumber carrot… favorite. It also works well on a salad with tofu and roasted vegetables. Since there is sesame oil you really have to pick and choose your flavors in the salad. It should be pretty plain to work well in your […]

All Recipes, Fall Into Flavor, Nutrition Tips


Late summer, fall and winter are the season for pears! Just when we start to get depressed that the taste and abundance of summer fruits are leaving, in walks a ripe pear! At 100 calories a serving and 20% of your day’s worth of fiber pears are not only a great snack (in combination of […]

Fall Into Flavor, Salads, Thinner Dinner, Vegetarian

Vegetarian Salad

A salad with all kinds of colors! Serves 1 Ingredients: 1/4c Roasted Red Peppers 2 tbsp cooked edamame 4oz Sesame Tofu (see recipe) 1 kirby cucumber, sliced thin shredded carrots 1c roasted butternut squash 1/2 avocado, sliced Dressing: you can use a balsamic vinegarette or try my spicy mayo dressing Directions: Combine all ingredients and […]

Burrrr What's for Winter?, Fall Into Flavor, Good Mornings, Nutrition Tips, Party Ideas, Smoothies Spreads Sauces, Something Sweet, Sweet PEDS Nutrition

Pumpkin Dip

What GOES with this people say? Rice cakes, waffle chips, FRUIT. It’s amazingly delicious and NOT a terrible thing to binge on. Bring this to your next party and I bet everyone who says they HATE pumpkin (I don’t understand those people) will be converted. Ingredients: 1 1/2 c pure pumpkin (canned) 1, 12oz whipped […]

All Recipes, Summer Lovin

A Dietitian’s Plowman Lunch

Traditional Plowman’s lunches are with bread, cheeses, meats, butter and pickles! But when a dietitian does it, it has to be green! I’m proud of this spread I put together today for some of my co-workers who have been doing a great job for me. Heres the trick 1/2 the plate of veggies, make a […]

All Recipes, Burrrr What's for Winter?, Fall Into Flavor, Light Lunches, Salads, Simple Sides, Thinner Dinner

Cranberry Feta Salad

Serves 4 Ingredients: 1 head of Romain lettuce, washed and chopped 1-2c shaved brussel sorouts 1c shredded cabbage 1/2c craisins 1/4c pine nuts 4oz french fera 2tbsp balsamic vinegar 1 tbsp olive oil directions: Toss the lettuce, brussel sprouts and cabbage with the oil and vinegar. You can also use a vinegarette here that you […]

All Recipes, Burrrr What's for Winter?, Fall Into Flavor, Light Lunches, Simple Sides, Thinner Dinner, Vegetarian

Falafel stuffed eggplant

Very unique and versatile! I originally found this recipe on cooking light a while back and then changed up the recipe after I made it about ten or fifteen times! Ingredients: Two large eggplant 1/4c parsley 1/4c breadcrumbs 1, 16oz can of chick peas 2 eggs 1 tbsp minced garlic (you can buy frozen minced […]