Something Sweet

All Recipes, Burrrr What's for Winter?, Fall Into Flavor, Good Mornings, Something Sweet, Sweet PEDS Nutrition, Vegetarian

Butternut Squash Muffins

Because pumpkin isn’t the only star in this town… Butternut squash is a good source of B and E vitamins plus has a lot of added benefits like fiber! Ingredients: 1c cooked and pureed butternut squash (i roasted mine 350 degrees F 30 minutes and threw it in a food processor) 1c unsweetened applesauce 1 […]

All Recipes, Good Mornings, Party Ideas, Something Sweet, Summer Lovin, Sweet PEDS Nutrition, Vegetarian

Avocado Bombs

An energy bite if you will! As I was making these I realized that I can shape them into little Mickey Mouse faces so I call them “Mickey chocolate” Makes 16 Mickey balls (that doesn’t sound right) Ingredients 1 avocado 1 banana 1/2c chunky peanut butter 1/2c oats 1c cocoa (unsweetened) 1tsp vanilla Directions: You’ll […]